What Are Chakras:

Focal points of energy located along the length of your spine, these metaphorical places of intention allow us to better understand when we are aligning our thoughts, actions, and goals. Learn more about each of the seven chakras we focus on during the classes in Charlotte.


Chakra 1: Wellbeing


Chakra 2: Feeling


Chakra 3: Action


Chakra 4: Connection


Chakra 5: Communication


Chakra 6: Knowledge


Chakra 7: Spirit

The 49Haiku System:

When people are introduced to chakras, it is almost universally consistent that students are told all the chakras interact. However, each chakra is nearly always presented in isolation, with the qualities of each described thoroughly, but no examples of intersections are provided.

“The 49 Professions of Joy” uses a system of metaphors based on each chakra’s elemental to establish concrete images that serve as reminders to express gratitude. Each chakra interacts with all the others, including itself. This interplay provides for 49 intersections based on the seven most commonly studied chakras.

Explore how these intersections can illuminate your path to joy and understanding. By embracing the interconnectedness of your energy centers, you can cultivate a deeper awareness of your emotional landscape. The 49Haiku System invites you to reflect on your experiences and find harmony within the chaos of daily life.

Each haiku and profession serve as gentle nudges toward mindfulness, encouraging you to pause, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Join us in Charlotte, NC on this transformative journey and discover the power of gratitude in your life.

This image is an excerpt from the book "The 49 Professions of Joy," and includes the entire spread for #28 of 49. Clicking the image takes the viewer to a page where the entire book can be purchased.